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Structural Design and Usage Tips for Panel Antennas

Nov 22, 2024

Panel antennas, regarding their primary purpose, consist of structural elements that integrate themselves however in a manner that it steers or even enhances the spatial coverage alongside improving the overall amplification of the wireless signal. Ayissmoye, manufacturers of cell phone signal boosters as well as antennas, produce a range of panel antennas considering the scope of work of their clients. This article elaborates on how panels are constructed in an effort to provide users assistance on how to implement them effectively.


Defining what a Panel Antenna is

Panel antennas otherwise referred as plate antennas are narrow beamwidth antennas which radiate a substantial fraction of its output power towards a particular direction. They are typically found on terrestrial mobile telephone systems, wireless local area networks, and other systems where interrogated radiation and power are needed.

Structural Design

Panel antennas have a design that allows them to work effectively. The principal parts include:

Radiating Elements – These are the parts that feature in the antenna’s construction which are capable of radio frequency transmission and which are spaced in such a way, through a grid arrangement that transmission in a specific direction is possible.

Reflector: It is a metallic surface placed at the back of the radiating elements with the aim of aiding in signal concentrating and strengthening.

Mounting Bracket: This facilitates the location of the antenna and also its position adjustment easily.

Connector: Antenna are usually connected via a connector to the signal source like a router or a signal booster.

Usage Tips

There are certain tips along with the panel antenna which ensures better results, some of them are:

Placement: The first position the antenna should always be directed towards, will always be the location where the signal is the highest. Also, while placing the antenna make sure of its positioning as it should be not positioned below reflective elements which would affect the signal.

Height: The placing of the antennas should be held at a specific height so that elements do not block the path or sight towards the direction of the place holding the source of the signal.

Angle Adjustment: The antenna must be slightly tilted for it to be positioned around the source so that the signal can be received better. Even slight adjustment can completely modify the reception of the signal.

Weatherproofing: When an outdoor panel antenna is used, containments that will aid in the protection from the heat and incoming rain should be installed.


Panel antennas form part of the great arsenal aimed at boosting wireless communication. After getting a grasp of their structural design and a few more usage tips, the users can maximize their performance and improve the signals received. Ayissmoye's collection of panel antennas allows corporates and even individuals to connect wirelessly with wider cellular network, Wi-Fi or others. With the right kind of antenna, the communication scope is limitless.

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